Our Research
The books, films, podcasts, comics and graphic novels below are just a small sample of what underpinned our inspiration and research for OverLondon. These are all things we genuinely enjoyed or found at the very least, incredibly inspiring, so if you're intrigued, just click on the image to be taken to Amazon for info, or why not track them down at your favourite local independent retailer.
You may ask (looking quizzically through your dashing monocle) why we haven't included all our favourite authors' books. It's because if we did, this epic wall of geekdom would go for miles. So if you see an author below, just assume we've read all their stuff and love it with the power of the sun.
If you have any recommendations for us, we'd love to hear them! Just email George at: george@overlondon.net
(Please note, all images use affiliate links that don't cost you anything, but if you do decide to buy something, Amazon gives us a small cut of the sale. It is, after all, a truth universally acknowledged that swashbuckling barbarians in possession of the desire to write must be in want of shiny things to pay their heating bills.)

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